Commercial Solar - Sydney & NSW

Commercial solar is one of the fastest growing energy efficiency initiatives being implemented by businesses and organisations of all sizes around Sydney and New South Wales. More commercial solar installations are occurring in NSW than any other state. There are numerous reasons why so many organisations are seeing the value in having a commercial solar installation, and there’s no reason why yours can’t experience these benefits.

As Australia’s #1 commercial solar installer, Todae Solar is able to assist your organisation from feasibility to installation and beyond. Given the variety of finance options available, now is the perfect time for your organisation to go solar. If you’d like to get in touch with us on how we can suit your commercial solar needs, get in contact below.

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Why Commercial Solar in NSW

Commercial solar enables your organisation to have greater control over your energy and save significant money. On top of significant cost savings, there are a few other reasons why having commercial solar in Sydney or New South Wales is beneficial:

Save Money

Often businesses in Sydney and across New South Wales operate and consume most of their energy during day time hours, regardless of what industry they’re in. This daytime usage mirrors solar generation, so with a solar installation, businesses are able to offset their usual energy costs by generating energy from the sun at the same time as they’re consuming energy.

Subsidies and No-Money-Down Investment

There are numerous incentives provided to assist organisations to implement solar installations. One of the key subsidies still available for businesses is the ‘solar rebate’ which is an initiative under the Federal Renewable Energy Target (RET). These subsidies can cover up to 50% of the cost of installation and may even provide on-going revenue. There are also no-money-down finance options available which allow you to achieve the benefits of solar without any capital expenditure.

Marketable Differentiation

Consumers and service users are increasingly discerning in their choice of providers based on environmental concerns. If your business is able to promote itself as solar powered, this can be a very powerful point to differentiate against competitors. One of Todae Solar’s customers, B&R Plastics, uses their installation as a key sales tool for innovation with their clients.

Solar Finance Options for NSW

Todae Solar offers a range of solar financing options to provide your organisation with the best solution for your business requirements. Our consultants will work with you to help determine the right finance solution for you.


No Upfront Costs
  • Only pay for the solar energy used
  • Discounted rate compared to grid tariff
  • Fixed term between 10 – 20 years
  • All O&M and insurance is included in the tariff


Limited Upfront Costs
  • Fixed monthly payments
  • Potentially cashflow positive from Q1
  • Fixed term
  • Own the system after the term


Greatest Savings
  • No ongoing payments
  • Payback between 3 – 6 years
  • Immediate ownership of system
  • Solar panels guaranteed for 25 years

What Our NSW Clients Say About Todae Solar

Why Contact Todae Solar?

Phone: 1300 467 652
Sydney Office: 300A Bridge Road, Forest Lodge NSW 2037
We’ll provide you with an easy to understand business case and quote.
Since 2003, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses take advantage of solar
Todae Solar is the #1 commercial solar installer nationally

NSW Solar Consultation

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