Bundaberg Council – 128kW Solar Installation

Bundagerg North Council 128kW Solar Installation

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Client: Bundaberg Council

System Size: 100kW

Approximate Yearly Output: 163,000kWh

Approximate Bill Coverage: 30%

In August 2016, Todae Solar rolled out a 128kW commercial solar system across three sites for the Bundaberg Council. There were a few challenges during this installation where Todae Solar’s innovation and experience proved invaluable.

At the Bundaberg North depot, it was discovered that power usage on site would end earlier than expected. As it was a zero export system, a great amount of valuable renewable electricity would be lost. Quick thinking by our team resulted in a directional modification that made the system much more effective for the site.

At the Kalkie depot, a challenge arose that prevented the team from directly connecting the Protection board to the Distribution board. Again, quick thinking by the engineering team resulted in a Radio Transmitter and Receiver connection being setup to overcome this problem.

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