Hume Doors & Timber WA- 100kW Pilot Solar Installation

Hume Doors 100kW Pivot Commercial Solar Installation

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Client: Hume Doors & Timber

System Size: 100kW

Approximate Yearly Output: 160,000kWh

Approximate Bill Coverage: 40%

Hume Doors & Timbers is an Australian timber door manufacturer with over 60 years of experience in the industry. The company has expressed a commitment to conducting business in an environmentally sustainable manner and have enabled manufacturing and distribution processes that minimise their environmental footprint. Solar is a proven way to reduce an organisation’s carbon footprint while reducing electricity bills with minimal disruption to the business. In 2015, Todae Solar completed a pilot installation of a 100kW commercial solar system for Hume Doors & Timbers’ WA State Office and showroom in Carlisle, WA.

See portfolio of Hume Doors & Timber NSW here

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