Pascoes – 100kW Solar Installation

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Client: Pascoes

System Size: 100kW

Approximate Yearly Output: 152,000kWh

Approximate Bill Coverage: 10%

For 70 years, Pascoes has been supplying quality chemical products to the Australian market. They produce a range of brands that span commercial and industrial markets. Manufacturers can benefit greatly from solar systems as their energy usage profiles are typically compatible with solar. They are energy intensive during the day when the sun is shining. Pascoes decided to take advantage of the benefits offered by solar and contracted Todae Solar to install a 100kW commercial solar system in Sydney. The layout of this project was designed with the consideration of a future system, so that any additions are installed with little disruption to the current configuration.

Pascoes has also installed a 36kW system at their facility in Perth, WA.

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