Publications and Insights

Todae Solar’s key insights and latest news for the solar market and businesses across Australia.
Solar Panel Recycling

Solar Panel Recycling

By this point, there’s no denying the impact that solar panel systems have had on the world of energy generation. By harnessing the immense power of the sun, solar panels can generate energy cleanly and now, more than ever before, cheaply.

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Solar Car Park

Solar Car Park

Many of us, especially those interested in a sustainable way of life, surely dream of the day we can say goodbye to the car entirely.

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Solar Highway Noise Barrier

Solar Highway Noise Barriers

When it comes to the health risks of living in the big city, a lot has been said about air pollution. This certainly isn’t meant to diminish its impact on people – air pollution has several proven effects on the health and wellbeing of city dwellers.

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Trains & Automobiles

Trains, Trains, and Automobiles

That title is no accident. Are trains the form of transportation for the future? Certainly, people have been making this prediction for decades now, and it has borne fruit in some situations.

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What in the world is a PPA?

What in The World Is A PPA?

There’s no denying the importance of solar power in our changing world. With more extreme temperatures and weather patterns around the globe, our reliance on fossil fuels must be challenged by green technology, such as solar energy.

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The Future Of Solar In The Water

The Future of Solar Power: On the Water

Right now, there aren’t many types of green technology more impressive than solar power. The solar panel technology that we have right now is efficient, cost-effective, and relatively easy to maintain and install, not to mention the clear environmental benefits.

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