
How commercial solar power works

Almost any organisation, whether owner occupier or tenant, is able to benefit from commercial solar power. Taking advantage of the benefits of solar is easy and your organisation can save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the lifespan of the system.

Publications and Insights

Todae Solar’s key insights and latest news for the solar market and businesses across Australia.
Solar Panels and Energy Savings

Solar Panels and Energy Savings

In recent years, solar panels have really come into their own as a cost-friendly option for sustainable energy that allows you relative independence from an increasingly expensive electric grid.

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Though it goes without saying, there are few things more important to agriculture than sunlight. This is also why you sometimes see solar panel installations competing for space with traditional farms – it turns out that some of the best places to install solar panels are also often the best places to grow crops.

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Financial Benefits For Businesses

Since 2003, we’ve helped hundreds of organisations take advantage of the financial benefits of solar. We make the process simple with our end-to-end approach and will provide you with a detailed and easy to understand business case, which features a year-on-year breakdown of estimated savings.

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